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Savage Chaos Page 3
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Her cheeks turn a shade of pink at my blunt question and whirls around so fast, her dark hair whips from side to side, to the key cards in the fake oak cupboard behind her. She grabs a sleeve and turns back around. Eyeing me again, she slides the cards towards me with a pink, polished nail.
"That'll be seven hundred. Name for the reservation?" she asks.
"Ryan," I grunt out. Less is better.
"If you need anything, Ryan, I'm just a phone call away," she says, lowering her lashes.
"That won't be necessary," I grunt again and snatch the sleeve off the counter being careful not to touch her.
I pull my business credit card out of my wallet and slide it across the countertop and she gently takes it, sliding it through the reader. She doesn't slide it back across the counter this time, but holds it in her hand, forcing me to take it out of hers. She licks her red lips again, trying to make eye contact with me.
"Room fifteen-fifteen, enjoy your stay, Ryan." Her flirting is making me on edge and I just want to get to my room.
I snatch my credit card out of her hand and pick up my duffle bag on the floor. Not saying another word to the receptionist, I walk to the grey elevators and push the button. The doors open with a loud bang and I walk inside and push a button for the fifteenth floor, praying the old dingy piece of shit doesn't give out.
I'm the only one in here as the doors close and the elevator begins its rickety ascent to the top. One quirk when I stay somewhere is that I have to have quick access to the roof. The top floor is what I always choose. If it's not available, I stay in a motel where it is. I need to be able to escape in a heartbeat if the walls close in and the top floor is the quickest way to get there.
The elevator dings and the doors groan in protest as they open, greeting me to my new home for a little while. Walking down the hallway, my boots are quiet on the thin brown carpet. There are several doors on each side and visitors occupy some. I can hear T.V.'s on behind them. I find my room in the middle and slide the card through the reader. At least the smell isn't as bad up here. I flip on the light and shut the door behind me, turning the top lock and sliding the chain. It's a small twenty by fifteen room with a bed right next to the door and a closet next to it. There's a full bathroom on the other side of the door. It's actually an after thought in the room. There's a tiny kitchen and a black mini fridge diagonal from the bed. There's a thirty-inch T.V. mounted to the brick wall separating my room from the next and a tiny fold up table pushed against the wall. Tossing my black duffle bag on the twin bed, I walk over to the window and open the curtain. There's a little sliver of sunlight streaming in between the three brick buildings on the other side. I hope my claustrophobia won't kick in. I know I get what I pay for in this city. I wanted to stay close as possible, without Switch knowing I'm here. All I can see as I look out the window, are buildings surrounding me. The little sliver of light is warm against my skin. I close my eyes and steady my breathing, leaning my head against the window. I give myself a minute and wish Ashley was here with me. It's been two months since I've seen her or touched her and there's a sudden ache to have her here with me. Before I realize what I'm doing, I have my phone up to my ear and it's ringing on the other end. Ashley's voicemail picks up and her beautiful voice floats in my ears telling me to leave a message.
"Hey, Ash. Just want to call and tell you I miss you and I love you." Exhaling a deep breath, I hang up the phone. Allowing myself a moment of weakness, I shake my head and steel my nerves.
Time to get down to business.
These motherfuckers will pay for messing with my family. I unzip my bag and pull out my laptop. Next, I take out my favorite Smith and Wesson .40 caliber handgun. The sleek black grip is weightless in my hand and I cock the slider back and chamber a round into it. I set it on the bed next to the laptop and take out my Ruger .45 caliber pistol. The chrome slider shines under the lighting. I cock it back and chamber a round before setting it down on the bed, next to the other one. One thing about New York City and New York State is that you're not allowed to conceal carry unless you have a special permit. Since I own A.R. Security, I have all special permits needed in every state.
I fire up the laptop and settle in for some recon. I know I can't go in half cocked and take the chance Switch will kill Izzy and Xavier when he knows I'm coming. I have to work my way back into their world and there's only one way to do that. It's another dark tunnel I don't want to go down, but I have no choice.
After searching the internet for two hours, I finally find what I'm looking for. I mentally note the address listed and crack my neck from side to side. Time to get the show on the road. Closing my laptop, I stand up and holster my weapons. I tuck a knife in my boot for backup. Ashley taught me that. Always have a spot for a knife. It saved her life and if I need it, it might save mine too.
Once I'm locked and loaded, I head back down the hallway and call for the elevator. I put on my black hoodie and baseball hat, keeping the brim low on my forehead. It makes a dinging noise and groans open. The doors close after I step inside and begins its descent down to the lobby. I stare at myself in the dirty mirrors around me. The man glaring back at me is someone I haven't seen in a long time. Massive muscles tense and ready to strike. I clench my fists at my sides, the haunted but deadly look in my brown eyes and a wicked sneer on my lips should be enough to show these guys I mean business. I'm not some stringy teenager anymore. I'm strong, independent and ready to feel bones crunching under my fists. The demon is ready to play and they won't know what hit them.
Chapter 6
Our plane ride is quiet once I revealed how Switch captured Xavier and Izzy. The plane dips and hits turbulence occasionally, shifting in the air, but other than that, it’s a smooth flight. Ashley’s curled up in the seat across from me, sound asleep. Mia’s next to her, resting her head on Ashley's side, also sound asleep. Christian and Redline are talking in hushed voices across the aisle from me.
In another time, another life, I would be over there joining them. I was the outgoing one, Christian was the shy one growing up. Girls saw him as Ashton’s younger, dorky brother with long, skinny arms and legs, no muscle build, an awkward teenager. Living in a small southern town it was hard to escape the stereotype and being four years older than Christian, I already developed my body and build. The elderly people in our town always compared us, asking him why he can’t be like his older brother? Why aren’t you following his footsteps and joining the service? No matter how pleasant and nice he was to everyone, they constantly turned their noses up at him and used him to get to me. He hated me for it and needed some kind of outlet to get rid of his anger and aggression and he found that in Maui Tia boxing. Christian grew up while I was in Iraq and since I've come back from my two tours, we've grown apart. I've done things overseas I'm not proud of, taken many lives more times than I can count, and it's hard to be the man you once were when you've seen and done things that can't be unseen or undone.
I stare at my hands, lost in thought when Christian sits down next to me. He nudges me with his massive shoulder.
"Hey bro, you all right?" he asks.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I claim, shaking my head clearing it of those younger years.
"You're acting distant. I want to help and don't leave me in the dark this time." Before I can rebut his statement he cuts me off. "I realize we're not as close as we used to be, but Ashton, you're my brother. I'm here for you. There are things you don't know about me and things I don't know about you." He settles his palm on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze. I stare into his familiar brown eyes, his gaze not leaving my face. It's my fault we're not as close as we should be and that's on me, not him. I nod my head.
"Thanks, man. Look, there are things you don't realize I went through in Iraq and I hope one day I can talk to you about it, but today isn't that day. We need to focus on getting Nolan, Xavier, and Izzy back safely. My team will meet us in the City once they have the other cases we were wor
king on closed up. I don't know how long that will be, but in case they aren't here on time, I need you to be prepared for what you're about to see. It's not going to be pretty."
"I can handle it. Since meeting these guys, I've realized everything isn't black and white. There's a grey line I've had to toe. Honestly, it felt good, not always being straight and narrow. So, whatever you need, I'm ready."
My face must have displayed my shock because Christian lets out a quiet laugh. My brother, the straight shooter, always doing the right thing, will cross a line he can't come back from. This won't be grey, it will be black, so black that once you get a taste for it, it'll be hard to give up. I don't want to change the way he sees things. That'll be more guilt I have to deal with.
"Don't even think about it," Christian responds with a shrug.
"Think about what?" I ask.
"I can handle it. I've seen some dark shit on the police force. That girl right there," Christian says pointing to Mia, "is my light. I didn't want her to come, but she's a stubborn one. I know what we're walking into and trust me, brother, I'm ready. Xavier and Izzy have become a part of my family and these assholes just fucked with the wrong guys."
"You do know, if mom heard your mouth, she'd break out the Dawn dish soap," I say with a shudder. Christian mimics my reaction.
"That shit is so gross. I can still taste it from when we were teenagers and thinking it was cool to swear." We both laugh and I scrunch my nose. That shit’s nasty. "All I want is for us to be in this together. I'm here Ashton, no matter what."
"Thanks, man. What's going on with Redline?" I ask the question that's been bothering me since I saw him get off the plane with Ashley. We both look over at Redline. He's sitting next to the window with his eyes closed, not paying us any attention.
"Rush and the rest of Ashley’s crew had to stay behind a day and he didn't want her coming alone. He told Redline to come with her and keep her safe. I don't know for sure. What do you know?"
"Between the two of us? He had a massive crush on her for years. I don't trust him nor like him very much. Something about him rubs me the wrong way. I hope I'm mistaken but keep your guard up around him. Ashley trusts him and she's a good judge of character, so I hope it's just my paranoia kicking in and he's here for the right reasons. I hope he isn't here to drive a wedge between her and Nolan, but here to help. I guess we'll find out soon enough."
I rest my head on the back of the seat and stare out the plane window. The clouds break apart under us and the Brooklyn Bridge comes into view. The sun is glistening off the Hudson River, causing the bridge to shine. The landscape is breathtaking. The two new twin towers loom in front of us, shining in the sunlight.
Sometimes it's hard to believe so much evil lurks beneath something so beautiful. I know first-hand, how something so beautiful can be so deadly.
Ashton, Iraq-2 years ago
The stink of burning flesh fills my nose and awakens me. I jolt upright but quickly realize I'm still tied to a metal chair. Memories of the last couple of days assault my mind and I squeeze my eyes shut, struggling to block them out. Images of a beautiful woman with long black hair, piercing blue eyes and secrets of her own. Owning her body, they way she owns my heart when I take her away from her suffering with my hope and dreams of us escaping her personal hell. I don’t know what happened to her because these men came into her room in the dead of night and knocked my ass out with a blow to the back of my head.
Black boots stomp on the dirt floor into my line of sight. I keep my head down, trying to play it off like I'm still sleeping, but my body aches all over from the massive beatings I've received. The black boots stop right in front of me and I coil my muscles. A reflex ingrained into my mind by my drill instructor.
"Well, well, well, look who's finally rejoined the party." A dark voice says off to my right.
I don't move a muscle. Keeping absolutely still, I wait for the man to finish talking. He isn't done yet. That's all this man does is run his mouth and his voice is grating on my nerves. I can't wait until it's my turn to give him the same torture he's inflicted upon me. Not answering him pisses him off and I'm waiting and ready.
"Do it again," he commands. The sting of a whip cracks across my exposed skin. Pieces of flesh rip from my body and boots keeps going repeatedly.
I don't say a word as the whip keeps shredding my flesh. Burning agony fires through my body until I can’t take any more pain and pass out with one thought on my mind. Revenge. It's a bitch, motherfuckers.
The plane starts its descent onto the runway. The dip it takes snaps me out of my memories. I reach across the seats and gently shake Ashley awake. She jerks her head up and her reflexes kick in, ready to pounce. Once she has her bearings, she blinks her brown eyes and relaxes back into the seat. This woman has seen and done so much in her short life, it hurts to see her like that. The vulnerability on her face is heartbreaking.
"Have you heard from him?" she pleads with a sleepy voice. I shake my head and her face settles into a frown. "How are we supposed to find him in a city full of thousands of people?"
"We'll find him, trust me. I can find anyone, anywhere. Even if they don't want to be found. It's what I do." I answer with a shrug.
I give her the famous line we always say and she responds by rolling her eyes. It's true though, it's what I do. I've been trained to kill someone with my bare hands and find anyone, anywhere. All I need is internet access and a few minutes.
The plane lands and rolls down the runway before coming to a complete stop. The seatbelt light flashes off and we all get up. Mia is a little slow since I forgot to wake her. Christian is by her side, steadying her sleepy form. I grab my black duffle bag and swing it over my shoulder. Redline takes Ashley's and his own bags and we all exit the plane into the airport. The sun is shining brightly off the white marble floor through the massive floor to ceiling windows as the five of us make our way to the car rental counter. They hang back off to the side of the crowd as I get our car. A few minutes later, I make my way back to them and we exit out the doors.
The city sounds assault my hearing when we walk out into the parking lot, making me flinch. Taxis are lined up, waiting for someone to flag them down. Horns are blaring, and sirens are going off in the distance. This will take some getting used to. I sneak a glance at the others behind me and they have the same reaction as I do.
Locating the black SUV, I hit the key fob and the rear hatch pops opens. Redline and Christian throw their gear in the back and I set my duffle on top. I have important things we'll need while we're here and I want none of it broken. I unlock the doors and we all climb inside. Redline, Christian, and Mia get in the back and Ashley takes the passenger seat. She lets out a yawn and stretches her hands above her head, arching her back. I glance in the mirror, while she does this, and watch Redline. He's facing the window, staring off into his own world, not paying her any attention.
"Where are we heading?" Ashley asks quietly.
"We're going into the lion's den, but first we need to locate Nolan." My phone dings in my pocket and I pull it out. "Got him. He's staying in a motel in the heart of Manhattan."
"How do you know?" Ashley asks.
"I have an app on my phone that tells me when the company cards are being used and he used it two hours ago at a motel in Manhattan. He knows I have the app so that tells me he wants us to find him. If he didn't, he would’ve used a different card." An email icon lights up my phone and I click on it. The information he wanted about Wrath fills the screen. This bitch is dangerous. The police arrested several times for fighting in the last seven years. The last time, she did a stint in county for a year. The guy she beat the shit out of ended up in a coma. When he came too, he dropped all charges, and they let her out. She has a younger sister and a little boy around eight years old. I click on the attachments and suck in a deep breath.
"Holy shit," I whisper, staring at the image on my phone.
"What is it?" Ashley asks, cocking an eyebrow.
"Nothing, it's nothing. Just some information on another case." I answer quickly, closing the image staring back at me so she doesn't see it. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Now what?
I start the SUV and pull out into heavy traffic heading into the heart of New York City. Things will be brutal and I have no doubt, once this is over, every one of us will be different.
Chapter 7
I walk down the city streets, searching for the address I found online, trying to blend in as much as possible. It's hard to accomplish with my height and build, but I'm doing the best I can. The tourist area has thinned out and there are more rundown apartment buildings I pass by. I keep my hat down, covering my eyes, hoping to blend in. I have a red bandana tucked into my front pocket and I pray I don't have to use it. It's the same one Switch gave me when I was initiated into the gang.
I didn’t know at the time it was a gang, but after receiving that bandana, my entire world changed in a heartbeat. Women would take one glimpse at it and throw themselves at my feet. Fighting became second nature, fucking every time I needed to take the edge off and my mother never even knew. She was so wrapped up in drugs and fucking, she didn't give a shit. Wrath was my go-to girl, but occasionally, she'd have a guy she was fucking, and I had to take the edge off with someone else. Being a teenager is tough, but what I had to do the more time I was them, was tougher. I cut off all communication with my grandfather, never saw my mother, unless she wanted money for drugs, and my father didn't give a shit.
The only ones who seemed like they cared at the time were Switch and the rest of the gang. I became their enforcer. I trained to fight and was an unrelenting force. One glance at me coming down the street, with my bulging muscles and a pissed off expression, people were too frightened to cross me. I was the best at what they trained me to do, which was fuck up anyone who owed us money, either it was for drugs or security. Sometimes I'd beat the shit out of someone just because they looked at me wrong. I quit school and spent a lot of time at a local gym, bulking up and learning the correct way to disarm someone or knock them out. I even learned how to kill someone with one blow.