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Torch's Torment Royal Bastards MC Los Angeles, CA Chapter Page 5


  I release a shaky breath I’m holding and wait for a few minutes before going into the Clubhouse. I need to get out and fast. If Torch finds out who Jax is, all hell will break loose. I cannot put these guys at risk. There’s only one person who can help me without the Club knowing and it’s the last person I want help from. But I have no choice. Not anymore.

  I hear the garage doors open and the bikes firing up. Each one pulls out into formation. Watching them line up and drive off with their cuts on, leaves a deep longing in my chest. The sight before me is indescribably beautiful. There must be something huge going on if the whole club is leaving minus the prospects. Now’s my chance to get out with no problems.

  I hurry across the parking lot and slip inside. Monica, Danyella, Aerial and Nina are in the Commons room watching a Disney movie on T.V. Aerial was part of the human trafficking ring. The guys haven’t said much about who she is and where she came from, only that her mom was with her in the beginning and now it’s just Aerial. She’s grown so much since she came in here. Her once blonde hair was dull and matted, now it’s shinny and growing. She’s smiling more now, even though I know she still misses her mom.

  Nina is Capone’s little girl and the princess of the Royal Bastards, Los Angeles. Nina was rescued when they went down to Mexico to deal with the Cartel. Capone didn’t have any idea she even existed until Danyella found her hiding behind a bar during a gun fight. It was a hook up from before Danyella and Capone were together. Danyella has taken Nina in as her own and loves her just as much as if she gave birth to the beautiful little girl.

  I try to sneak past them but my boots must be loud or one of the little girls have supersonic hearing.

  “Rose!” Nina squeals with warm excitement in her voice. “I have something we can bedazzle together. Stay here and I’ll go get it.” Movie forgotten, Nina slides off the couch and flies past me toward her room.

  Not wanting to crush the little girl's excitement, I cross over to the bar and pour a shot of Tequila. I slam it back and let the liquor burn.

  “Uh oh,” Danyella comments coming up to the bar. “What’s got you so worked up?” She sits on the bar stool and watches me carefully. I’d like to say we’re friends, but I don’t have friends. Any friend I ever had stabbed me in the back several times.

  “Nothing.” I shrug.

  “Don’t give me that,” Danyella makes air quotes, “Nothing bullshit. You don’t ever break out the hard stuff unless you’re irritated or chasing away a bad memory.”

  “Am I that transparent?” I pour another shot, salute Danyella and toss it back. Then I slam the shot glass on the bar top and pour another.

  “Transparent? Yes. Now spill it.”

  I stare off into space trying to figure out how to get out of this mess. Should I just tell Danyella and get her advice or find Daisy and just leave? Before I can answer, Nina comes back with a pair of white tennis shoes and climbs on the bar stool next to Danyella. She sets the shoes on the bar and takes off again. I pick up the little shoes with a pain in my chest. I’m going to miss Nina and Aerial when I leave. But it has to be done. I’m going to make my time with them as special as I can.

  With my mind made up, I answer Danyella. “There’s nothing to spill.” I cap the Tequila and slide it back in its spot on the shelf. Thankfully Danyella drops it when Nina comes back with our box of her bedazzle stuff.

  After spending hours making Nina’s shoes and a glass for Aerial, I’m wiped. Like put me away and let me sleep for a month wiped. The sun is setting and my stomach growls along with everyone else. The girls snacked here and there but these crafts kept them occupied all day. Those two little girls are chatter boxes full of excitement and energy. Maybe if I stayed a few more days and do some more of this with the girls, it’ll be OK. That way I can work out a better plan. I’d have to avoid Torch though and I don’t know how that’ll be possible. The man just has to think in my direction and I’m ready to drop to my knees and worship his cock.

  The rumble of Harley’s grabs my attention and I quickly kiss Nina and Aerial on their heads and hurry out of the commons room. I slam my bedroom door shut and lock it.

  Footsteps come stomping down the hallway and I hurry into my bathroom, shutting and locking the door. I turn the shower on, acting like that’s what I’m doing and not hiding.

  A loud bang on my bedroom door vibrates all the way into the bathroom and I jump. Another loud bang echoes before shouting begins. I can hear the deep timber of Torch’s voice but I don’t move.

  Finally, after a few minutes of shouting, it grows quiet. I slowly open the door and peek my head out. No one is here and my bedroom door is still shut tight. Breathing a sigh of relief, I grab my PJ’s and really do take a shower. Maybe Torch will be busy with Daisy and he forgets about our conversation. Wishful thinking on my end.

  With as painful and it is, it’s the way it has to be. Torch and I were never supposed to happen. Daisy can give Torch something I can’t. Something that’s never been mine to begin with. Not since he walked into my life when we were teenagers.

  I fall asleep a while later with the T.V. on low, NCIS LA playing a marathon. My mind finally rests since this morning. Hope filling me with a better tomorrow.

  A light tap awakens me. I roll over and check the time on my phone. The battery is dead. I forgot to charge it before I fell asleep. Son of a bitch. Oh well. I throw the covers over my head and try to fall back asleep but the tapping that woke me is now more persistent.

  I hold my breath trying to hear anything else. When I don’t, I throw the cover off and slide from the bed.

  “Whoever’s there better have a good fucking reason,” I grumble. I’m not and never have been a morning person. I yank the door open ready to give someone a piece of my mind when my jaw drops instead. Aerial is standing on the other side looking terrified.

  I drop to my knees so we’re face to face. “Aerial, what’s wrong?”

  “I can’t find Daisy or Danyella and I’m scared.” This little girl has been through so much in her little life. I’m surprised this hasn’t happened yet. Being taking when you’re five years old and have no clue where your mom is can have lasting damage.

  My heart shatters and I need to help her, “OK, let’s find them.” Going against my gut to avoid Torch and the rest of the MC, I grab Aerial’s hand and we walk down the hallway. I have yet to change from my PJ’s and know my hair is a ratty mess. We walk to Daisy’s door and I knock loudly. No one answers nor makes a sound. Aerial’s grip on my hand tightens.

  I bend down and pick her up. Aerial snuggles into my chest, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. “Let’s go check the kitchen.”


  We walk down the hallway and voices are drifting from the kitchen. My steps falter when I hear Torch’s voice.

  “She’s hiding something and I want to know what.”

  “When you need to know, you’ll know. Until then calm the fuck down and drink your fucking coffee asshole.” Capone demands. His word is law and you don’t go against it. Torch bitches but Capone ignores him. Capone is the only one who knows everything I’m hiding. By the sound of it, the rest are going to know soon enough if I don’t get out of here.

  I set Aerial on her little feet. “Go ahead in the kitchen, Aerial. I’m sure Torch or Capone know where Daisy and Danyella are.”

  “You’re not going with me?” The confusion on her face yanks at my heart.

  “No, honey. I can’t go in there.”

  “Rose, I’ve never seen you like this.” She tugs on my hand until I’m eye level at her. “You’re one of the strongest women here. Don’t lose that.”

  Hearing a seven-year-old tell me that makes me want to cry, laugh and say fuck you to all of them. “Thank you, Aerial. I needed that.” I give her a big hug. “Go see if Torch or Capone knows where Daisy and Danyella are. I have to shower and get dressed so I can be brave and strong.”

you’ll come back?” Aerial’s eyes look hopeful and I don’t want to crush that.

  “Yes. I’ll be back and be a badass.” I wink at her and she opens the swinging door leading into the kitchen.

  Torch’s eyes land on me and a scowl forms on his face before the door swings closed. Well, fuck him for acting like an asshole.

  I stand to my full height with my back straight and turn on my heels. I walk away with my head held high, ready to take on the world. Or the Royal Bastards if needed.

  Two hours later, I’m showered, dressed and my stomach is rumbling, reminding me I didn’t eat yesterday. I make my way into the kitchen, praying no one’s here. It’s empty and I thank God. I pour a cup of coffee and grab a pop tart out of the cupboard.

  Come to think of it, the whole Clubhouse is eerily quiet. Usually there’s someone around. I drink my coffee and finish my pop tart when footsteps come stomping down the hall. Torch comes into the kitchen with a scowl on his handsome face. I still cannot believe he shaved his head.

  “Prez wants you, now,” Torch growls.

  “Why?” My heart is in overdrive and my hands shake.

  “Doesn’t fucking matter why, Rose. Prez wants you. His word is law. Now move your ass.” Torch narrows his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest.

  “Fine.” I snap back. I slide out of my chair, take care of my coffee cup and throw my pop tart wrapper away. “Lead the way, Enforcer.” I motion with my hand for him to go but he grabs my arm, pulling me against his chest.

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re hiding.” His warm breath tickles my neck sending a shiver down my spine and my nipples harden. “But you can bet your sweet tasting pussy I’m gonna find out.”

  I gaze into Torch’s ice blue eyes and see confusion, hurt and lust in their depths. “I wish you wouldn’t and leave it be.”

  Torch squeezes my hips and pulls me flush against his body. “I can’t leave it be. You warmed my bed and my dick for months while holding back on me. I trusted you with my MC and this is how you betray me. You make me want to bend you over the counter and spank that ass red.”

  His threat sends a shiver down my spine but I put a cap on it. “You won’t though.”


  I pull out of Torch’s grip and lean against the counter pushing my chest out. “Prove it.”

  Torch growls and stalks toward me caging my body in with his. I can feel his cock harden behind his jeans and I want to say fuck it, drop to my knees and suck, but I won’t. He’d regret it the moment he came down my throat. I can see it in his eyes.

  “You can’t give it to me Torch. Just admit it. You can’t because when you fuck me, you’re thinking of Daisy. Which is why you haven’t touched me since Capone and Danyella’s wedding. That’s when you realized your feeling for Daisy were deeper than you thought. You can’t let me go but you can’t do that to her either.”

  Torch backs off and gives me space. He runs his fingers over his shaved head. “With as enlightening as you’ve been, Prez still needs you now.” Torch grabs my arm and pulls me against him one last time. His lips land on mine and he kisses me like it’s the last time he will ever lay his lips on mine. Which is probably true once my secrets come out.

  Pulling away, Torch rests his forehead against mine. “Let’s go before I do something I’ll regret.”

  We walk together from the kitchen and Torch leads me toward Church. My steps falter but he keeps me moving. “Why here?”

  Torch doesn’t say a word and opens the door. I’ve never been in here before and I’m scared shitless. I don’t know what’s about to happen.

  We walk inside and all the brothers are sitting around a huge oak table with the Royal Bastards logo etched deep into the wood. Capone is at the head of the table watching me. I can’t get a read on him. His black eyes are deadly as he stares at me. Torch releases my arm, shuts and locks the door and takes his seat. He folds his hands on the table. Every man in this room is watching me, waiting for something and I don’t know what.

  I was raised to be a badass bitch and not cower or show weakness in front of anyone and I’ll be damned if I do it here. I stand tall with my back straight looking Capone in the eyes. “What do you need, Prez?”

  Capone leans forward with a smirk on his face. He points to each man sitting at the table, “They need answers on why he showed up this morning.” I’m confused as hell who Capone is talking about until Bear opens the Church doors. I don’t turn around because I know who it is. I can sense him anywhere. “And one brother wants to know why that fucker looks identical to him.”

  “Hello, Rose. Long time since I laid my eyes on you.” Torch growls from his seat.

  Fuck me. Jax is here.

  Chapter 10


  Hear me now

  I keep my rage in check when this motherfucker walks through the Church doors acting like he belongs here. His eyes, similar to mine but a darker shade of blue, zero in on Rose’s fine ass. A growl rips from my throat. The bitch isn’t even mine but fuck. Seeing him eye Rose like an old lover has my blood boiling.

  Rose’s face turns a deathly shade of white when she spots him. “Jax.” She whispers.

  This is the motherfucker from the phone call. No one has yet to say what the fuck is going on yet. “Prez,” I growl low sick of this shit. Someone better tell me and tell me now.

  Capone glares at Rose and Jax and nods his head. Jax moves next to Rose and has his arm around her waist, pulling her flush against his body. The resemblance between us is uncanny. It’s like I’m staring into a mirror, only darker eyes and fewer tattoos staring back. Even the slight bump on the left side of his head is in the same spot as mine.

  I run my hand over my head and release a deep breath. Rose opens her lips to speak but glances at Jax. He squeezes her hip and dips his head.

  Rose makes direct eye contact with me, “Jax is your twin brother.”

  I snarl and stand quickly, slamming my chair into the wall behind me. “Prez?” My voice is breaking along with my world shattering around me. But I won’t disrespect my patch or my Prez.

  “Go, Torch.”

  With the final word from my Prez, I storm out of Church and slam my fist against the walls as I walk down the hallway. Rage. Pure unadulterated rage pours out of me. Daisy comes running out of the kitchen with Danyella, Monica, Nina and Aerial behind her. Danyella ushers the two little ones back into the kitchen when she sees me about to lose my shit.

  “Torch.” Daisy steps next to me and settles her hand on my arm. “Talk to me.” The warmth of her hand penetrates through the rage rumbling through my body.

  “Let’s go.” I grab Daisy’s arm and we walk down the corridor toward my bike. Daisy doesn’t say a word and grabs a helmet resting on a hook on the wall. It’s like she knows what I need and that is her with me. The thought stops me for a beat. I strap my helmet on, straddle my bike and fire her up. Daisy climbs on the back and wraps her arms around my waist. Her body flush against my back. I roll my bike out of the garage and head toward the gates. A prospect spots me from the roof and opens them before I have to stop. I pass through, check both ways on the road for cars and gun my bike, trying to outrun the pain and rage of my world shattering around me. Daisy wraps her arms tighter around me as I shift gears and pick up speed.

  We merge onto the PCH heading north. I open the throttle and take my bike as hard as she can handle until she taps out. Daisy is squeezing my waist and a squeal leaves her lips. This is what I need. After learning Rose’s fuck buddy is my twin, my head has been fucked up. Did anything we have mean anything to her or did she use me because I reminded her of her safety at home? And speaking of home, how was my twin brother kept from me all these years? There’s one man who’ll have answers to that one. That means I can’t kill him right away like I want to. Son of a bitch.

  Daisy’s hands roam up and down my stomach close to my cock reminding me she’s been here the whole time. Waiting for me to make up my mind. No matter
what I’ve done or with who, Daisy has always had my back. She deserves better than me. Rose’s words from earlier ring in my head and she’s right. I’ve been denying it this whole time, but my heart knew Daisy was the one I need. The one I’ve always wanted. The one on my mind every day, all day no matter where I was or what I was doing, it’s been Daisy. Even though I’ve been an asshole, she’s stuck by me.

  Daisy’s hands are teasing the fuck out of me and I’m loving it. I pull off into a secluded spot overlooking the ocean. Not many people know about this spot and it’s just the way I like it for what I’m about to do. The wind blows against my heated skin and the sound of the waves crashing against the ocean below brings me peace. Trees are surrounding us and a small picnic table overlooking the ocean near the cliff. The path to get here is narrow and not made for cars.

  Turning off my bike, I push my kickstand down and settle my bike on it. I remove my brain bucket and hang it on the handlebars. The engine ticks, cooling down. Daisy climbs off the back o and her legs are a little wobbly from the ride. I wrap my arm around her, holding her steady.

  “You good?”

  “Yeah. Had to get my legs working right.” Daisy unclips her helmet and sets it on the seat. I climb off behind her and walk to the edge of the cliff. “Can you tell me what’s going on now?”

  Daisy comes up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist. I turn and pull her against my front. I kiss the top of her head.

  “I don’t know how or why, but apparently I have a twin brother.” Daisy sucks in a deep breath and she hasn’t heard all of it. “And he’s Rose’s fuck boy. They’ve been together for years. Rose knew the whole time she’s been here I had a twin and the deception really burns my ass.”

  “Did she say why she didn’t tell you?”

  “No. I left before I could hear any more lies coming out of her mouth. As far as I’m concerned, she’s done. The sooner she packs her shit and gets the fuck out of the Clubhouse the better.”

  I’m so enraged at Rose for hiding this from me, I can’t think straight. I really thought we had something no one else had, but apparently I reminded her of her Ol’ man back home and she used me. Used my body and tried stealing my heart when it didn’t belong to her in the first place.